Analysis:killer7 as an Alternate Timeline

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When observing killer7 and the rest of the Kill the Past body of work, it becomes clear that killer7 is definitely connected through plot; Elbow and their operative Edo Macalister certainly exist in killer7, while Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes explicitly links the stories together in one of its opening cutscenes. Once these links and others are understood, it's very easy to form theories or ideas on how other, less explicit points might relate.

However, any attempt to understand killer7 and other Kill the Past works as taking place on a linear timeline quickly fails. The world of killer7 goes through major changes to the status quo in the backstory, events of the game itself, and the world's future; changes which are not reflected in any way in other Kill the Past games. This is because killer7 is an alternate timeline to the rest of Kill the Past. This is stated out-of-universe by Suda himself, but also has ramifications in-universe, as Hand in killer7 suggests that history has been deliberately set off its natural course.

This article is an attempt to go over why we understand killer7 as an alternate timeline, due to the large number of people who still try and fit them together despite it being demonstrably impossible.

Part 0: Suda's official statement

In case there is any doubt on the subject, it's probably necessary to precede the in-depth story talk with what Suda himself had to say on the matter in an interview published in Hand in killer7.

"- Is there a connection between Killer7 and your previous games?"
There are cameo appearances. However, there are copyright issues involved, so I created them so that if you asked me if there were a direct connection between the games, I'd say "no." In my head, I'm creating them in one big world, but the individual settings of the stories are completely different, so it's not like these stories can be told in the same timeline.

Part I: Why killer7 is incompatible with other works

Part II: Maligned history