Target00: Angel

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Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 0.

Angel is the introductory chapter of killer7, acting first and foremost as a tutorial of the game's core mechanics. Story-wise, Angel throws the player into a trial-by-fire kind of scenario; little to no context is given outside of several character names, and the player is mostly left to their own thoughts on what the game is about.


As mentioned above, Angel generally leaves the player alone for the most part in terms of context; while the Remnant Psyches give gameplay information and light details concerning the Heaven Smiles - along with an idea of what the Smith Syndicate is like, thanks to the Carrier Pigeon on the 3F stairway which gives basic information on all of them - little is mentioned about everything else.

Aside from this, Angel illustrates several other key points; i.e. the destructive nature and violence of the Heaven Smiles, the relationship between Harman Smith and Kun Lan, the personalities (and 'uses') of the Remnant Psyches, etc.


A mysterious, suited man walks down a pavement in a city at nighttime; he's introduced as Garcian Smith. On the opposite site of the pavement walks another man who pulls out something that resembles a flyer and hands it over to Garcian as they cross paths; before walking away, he's introduced as Christopher Mills. Garcian and Mills go their seperate ways, and after a brief section of walking, Garcian arrives at a building. He receives a call from Mills, who asks if he's arrived. Garcian comments on it as a "shithole," with Mills simply telling him that it's the building where "they all hang out." Mills continues, saying that his information states that there's fourteen of "them." Garcian asks if they're all to be killed on sight, but Mills notes that he should leave one alive so that they can find out who their leader is. In addition, he says that Garcian will recognize them at first sight, stating that "they're different." Garcian hangs up and enters the building.

(to-do lol)